Music and Me

Those that know me well know I am not as much of a music lover as some assume. I am good at playing music, and I love to teach, but I don’t appreciate music overmuch. My brother-in-law Ed doesn’t play an instrument but knows and appreciates music far more than I. He gets so excited about music! He buys a lot of recordings and goes to a lot of concerts. My good friend Ryan is also the epitome of a music lover. Sometimes I wish I was more like them.

I usually avoid concerts and you will rarely hear me just listening to music. Perhaps this is because while growing up my family seldom had music playing. My dad never listened to music (unless it was the oldies station in the car) and my mom listened to horrible music like country and Sandi Patti. I don’t blame my parents for not loving music more or introducing me to good music. It just wasn’t who they were, and that is fine with me. I’m blessed that I developed the talent for music in spite of this! And I do love oldies* – thanks dad!

Despite the fact that I don’t appreciate music as much as some, there is certainly music that inspires me.

Two of my all-time favorite artists are Rachmaninoff and Chopin. Their music makes me feel introspective, wistful, nostalgic, even romantic. It’s beautiful music. It conveys so much emotion without ever being cheesy.

I love songs from many genres – jazz, rock, oldies, metal, indie, grunge, and electronic. But tonight I’m organizing stuff and listening to my all-Chopin radio station.

*Oldies (to me) means music of the thirties, forties, fifties, and sixties. Our local oldies station calls the eighties oldies! Pfft.

Try listening to this song during a rainstorm!

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