Pornography is Good

material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement

I have a porn collection. I treasure it very much. I am proud of my collection.

So how am I a Christian dude and still justify having porn? I mean, Jesus says, “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” How can I be both a lover of porn and a Christian?

Well, I’ll tell you. Since you asked!

Adultery doesn’t count if it’s your wife 🙂 The Bible also says, “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife.” This has to be the best command ever…

I love this Bible passage:

Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers. May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer – may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.

There’s also Song of Songs.  Great book of the Bible about this sort of thing.

My porn collection is entirely made up of pictures of my wife. So it’s not bad! My eyes tend to wander (like all men) and wife-porn helps me to keep my thoughts on my wife when I am tempted to look at other images.

Also: It’s fun and artistic.


Does your husband have trouble keeping his eyes off other women? Sure, that’s his problem. But maybe you can help…

Give your husband the gift of wife-porn today!

Ben likes to start off his blogs in a way that gets your attention, don’t ya think?   He appreciates shock and awe! I wanted to chime in on this because I thought many might wonder… what does your wife have to say about this?  In fact, I do have much to say!

I will never forget the time we were in a Bible study with folks who have been married 30-some years, and Ben pipes in with a question:  “Is pornography always wrong?”  Hah!  Nobody expected that one!  Ben says he got some interesting looks.   The leader of the group made a face and said, “Yes!?”  Then Ben proceeded to discuss the idea of the wife being the subject of your photos. As long as the wife is on board with it, is there anything in scripture that says this would be wrong?

A husband shouldn’t force his wife do something that she is uncomfortable with sexually.  But when a wife can get behind this idea and really invest in the love life of the marriage it can really benefit the husband.    If he can later turn to his “wife porn” instead of scantily clad women online… so much the better!

I’m a supporter of wife porn because I’ve grown into a big advocate of making the bedroom a priority.  In my 11 years of marriage I’ve learned the importance of sex to husbands.  I had to learn some things in order to really get on board.  “Removing Excuses From the Bedroom” is a podcast by Dr. Jualianna Slattery of Focus on the Family.  It was hugely helpful to me and was a great godly challenge to wives.  She reminds us that sex doesn’t usually work the way it does in the movies.  Not everyone can sparkle like a vampire, right?  And, we can’t assume that it will get better if we don’t work on it and make it a priority. 

Slattery states that when men are asked what they wish was different in their marriage 80% of them say they wish there was more sex.  As wives, we can easily think they are one-track grossie-meanies, but the fact is that men and women are just different.  Men have a 72 hour cycle.  Their bodies are geared toward seeking a sexual outlet every three days.  It is a real need that wives may not understand, but God wired them like this and living in our culture makes it hard.  If we are not helping them meet this need… then they may be tempted to look elsewhere.  It is easy for wives to make sure they have time for themselves at the gym each week, but easy to neglect quality time with their husbands.  When time is tight sex is often the first thing to drop, but this often leads our husbands into temptation.  In our culture sex is everywhere and everyone talks about it.  So we might as well talk about it on, too!  Phew!  [wipes her brow]  🙂

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