Ubu’s Health

Finally, after several months of strange cat behavior and illness, Ubu is feeling his healthy ol’ self! He was kind of obsessively licking himself….this was later followed by peeing and pooping outside of the litter box. Finally, we made it to a vet to get checked out – went to Family Friends in Boxborough, and i HIGHLY reccomend them if you live in the area. They were so nice and the prices were about half of what the other local vet was going to charge for the same visit. Anyways, Ubu was on meds for a week for urinary tract infection and crystals in his urin. bummer. Now i chear him on every time he poops or pees in the litter box. Ben wonders why he doesn’t get such excitement when he does the same. Frankly, i wish ben would would stop using the litter box, but….

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