Sweet Frog & Sweet Camera

We did another hike yesterday, and saw this froggy. Nice picture, huh! I am just impressed. All I did was press the zoom, so it’s no credit to me… the camera did the rest! Definitely lovin’ my new camera, Canon Powershot S3 IS. It has an awesome zoom, a quick shutter speed, and just takes some mighty nice pictures! I found this review very helpful, it sold me on the S3 IS, and when I found it on ebay for $100 I knew it was meant to be. 🙂

I also went to the Dr.’s today and got a kick out of her asking how I got all the scrapes on my leg. Oh, just been taking a few hikes this week! Exciting news is that everything looks good! Good weight gain, blood pressure, and I am 80% effaced which is great! Bring on the baby! 🙂

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