Ben the Lonely Geek and Ubu the Sick Feline

Jill just left for a leadership retreat thingy with Young Life folks. I stayed home, and right now I’m working on a script to manage our finances! It’s really fun, and I think it will be an improvement on our other program when I’m done.

Also, Ubu’s kind of sick. We’re not sure what’s going to happen – but personally I can’t stand paying vet bills for animals. If the value to keep an animal alive exceeds the cost of a new pet, then ——. Some people spend thousands of dollars to keep pets alive. There are even pet hospitals that cost about $300 a night just to stay there. Well, I just refuse. I think that’s silly. I understand that people develop attachments to pets, but there comes a point you just have to let go and kill it or let nature run its course. My threshold for that decision just comes a little sooner than a lot of people!

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