Tutles and Retreats

Yikes, i havn’ blogged for a while! So, first i have to mention my cousin Everet’s Turtle Website that she made to help raise funds and help turtles have more success making it across roads! She is in grade school and was inspired this summer when helping box turtles cross the street! So, she put together this website to help save the world one turtle at a time 🙂
Also, this last weekend I went away on an awesome Young life leadership retreat up at camp Brookwoods in NH. We had an awesome speaker who was practical in regards to working with high school students and loving kids, and also challenging in a way that I think we all needed. I was so inspired by his godliness and passion for his life in Christ. It was a great weekend. Not to mention that we were able to get a good game of Settlers of Catan in….fun fun. 🙂
So, thats me!

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