Anti-Logo Project

One of the reasons Jill and I got rid of our TV years ago was the incessant, blaring commercials. After living without a TV for so long, it’s amazing to me how people can sit through commercials without going nuts. I know people just “tune them out” but you become more sensitive to it after you’re not around it.

After that, I started noticing advertisements everywhere. They are everywhere we go. At your computer right now, stop to look around. How many corporate logos or brand names can you see without getting up? The number may surprise you!

What I realized is that when you buy things and have them in your house, you are literally advertising for the companies that make them. Your car has the logo of the car company plastered across the back, forcing people to stare at it every time you drive. Company logos are on our clothes, food products, electronics, shoes, watches, books – almost everything we buy. Our stuff acts like huge billboards! Once you start noticing this, it may annoy you too.

Being a guy that’s generally biased against large corporations, I started wondering why I was advertising products for free. I’m not against advertising. I’m against sneaky companies that plaster their brand names on everything I buy.

So I’ve started a household anti-logo project. I’m not going nuts or anything, just a few of the more prominent logos I can see from my desk have been covered up so far. Here’s a picture of my surroundings before:

I bought some nice black electrical tape. Here’s the after pictures so far. I also cleaned up a bit:

It looks sleeker, cleaner, and less cluttery! Especially the black stuff. Watch out logos, here I come with black tape to cover you up!

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