Chicken Adventures

Some mornings Alice and I sing, “what are we gonna do today, to show God’s love in a special way? What are we gonna do today, to show God’s love today?” Even at age 3 momths God uses Alice. She’s got her own ministry going with elderly folks who love to visit her. It’s pretty cool. I get to tag along. Today ended up being one of these days, through a roundabout sort of way.

Sunday morning I had a new recipe to try out and a window to cook it in. I thought it would be a good meal to bring to someone, and had some friends in mind. Interestingly enough, person after person was unable to accept this meal and in the end we brought it to 2 elderly ladies that we’d never meant before. I see God’s hand in how it all happened and how we ended up where we did. Now Alice has 4 ladies at the Bolton senior center to visit!

Here’s our adventures in chicken, with all the people we tried to bring it to, but for different reasons it didn’t work out:
1 – Friends who had a new baby, but not quite ready for a visit yet.
2 – Friend who broke her arm, relatives in town, will be away for the day…
3 – Friend with infant son who went back to work today, didn’t get the email in time to arrange
4 – Family down the road, not home at time of my call, left message
5 – Elderly friends in Bolton, not ready for visitors today
6 – Sick friend in Bolton, not home
7 – My mom – you’re stuck with it, Mom, because I can’t find anywhere to bring it to! Mom would take it, but… she she tried to think of people she knew who would like a nice meal…
8 – Mom’s friend with a bum knee…she really didn’t need one today, but knew a senior who might
9 – Senior Barbara at the Bolton Manor, called her up, she would LOVE it. And a baby will visit!? Yes, please! 🙂
10 – Mom’s friend from her church who also lives at Bolton Manor. She would LOVE a meal too. 🙂

So, Alice and I spent an hour and a half visiting with these ladies, and getting to know them. I think we ended up where God wanted us this morning. Though He certainly had a roundabout way of getting us there!! 🙂

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