zooMass and Messy Family Stuff

Tomorrow I’m heading up to UMass to visit my sister, who just transferred there. She got kicked out of her house, started classes at a new school, and had her car towed – all in one week! I’m praying that she gets “plugged in” at ALCF (the Christian fellowship on campus). The campus group was invaluable to me when I was there.

If you’re the praying sort, my family could use it! My mom has ruined many relationships and needs professional help on different levels – but she’s stubborn and doesn’t think there’s anything wrong. I need help because I habitually run from conflict/trouble instead of trying to help. It would also be great if my sister and dad could mend their relationship – my dad is very trustworthy and loving, yet also seems to my sister to be conrolling and stubborn. Go-go gadget conflict resolution!

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