Growing Up

Dear Alice,
You are starting to master some new skills! While we can’t exactly say that you can crawl, we can say that you are a darn good scooter! You pop your bum up in the air and do inchworm moves to get yourself around the living room. It’s pretty cute.

You have also been a good sport as your Mum tries costumes on you. We scored a winnie-the-pooh and a mouse off of freecycle! You might have occasions to dress up as both. Until then, you get to wear cute pumpkin clothes.

You have also been enjoying your books. You like to try to taste each one… Here is your newest one form your Grampa and Gramma Holt.

And you are very blessed to have lots of people who love spending time with you. Among this group is all your “Aunties” and “Uncles” that come to your home each Sunday to fellowship.

Love, Mum

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