Brewer Apprentice

This year was my first year brewing. I made two batches of hard cider – about 6 gallons in total. Jill and I and friends have almost finished the first batch. It was a bit yeasty tasting but most people like it ok. The second batch is currently aging. I used no store-bought yeast but let the natural yeast take over for that batch.

Finally, my first batch of mead was just finished. Mead is a honey-based fermented drink that is apparently thousands of years old. You can add different things to it like fruit or spices, but the basic ingredients are honey, water, and yeast.

My first recipe used grape juice, honey, water, yeast, and a couple preservatives to stop fermentation. It was a learning process but fortunately the final product came out delicious. It’s a bit more alcoholic than cider and tastes sort of like a sweet wine. Jill and I had some last night, and she liked it a lot! I’ll be making more of this in the future I hope.

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