A Few of Our Favorite Things

Dear Alice,

Since your arrival we have had to learn how to be a family of three! For 9 years Mom and Dad didn’t have any babies living with them. Now we are in a groove and we know what kind of things we can all do together and what kind of things we try to do just the two of us.

One thing we love to do is read books. Daddy reads out loud and Mommy listens or crochets. Usually we do this when you are napping, with a babysitter, or asleep for the night. Since you have been born we have actually succeeded in reading a few books out loud!

The First Four Years by Laura Wilder
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

Currently we are making our way through The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. In fact, yesterday Mommy and Daddy went on a hike while you had a play date, and we left the book in the woods! This morning you and I went out early with the hiking backpack and rescued the book! Always an adventure with Tom Sawyer! 🙂

Reading is one of our favorite things. You also have developed a fondness for certain activities. Here are some of your favorites.

You still shriek with delight whenever you get to ride in the backpack!
This is your favorite picture to look at. Cousin Faith made it for you when you arrived home from the hospital. You look at it with a big smile and chuckle to yourself.
Ever since you were a few weeks old you have had a love for sweet little songs. This is the wind chime that hangs on the porch. It belonged to your Auntie Hannah and she passed it on to you before she went away to Scottland. You love to hit it and listen to the songs!
Yes. This shoe is your favorite teething toy. You love to chew it!

Blues Clues is your favorite show! We watch it after you eat breakfast. You smile at Blue and Steve like they are your best buds!

Love, your Mum and Dad

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