A Trip to Dallas!

Got back last night from a GREAT trip to Texas! Flew out friday and got to be on the same flight with Brie, the only other traveler from MA! We were actually able to sit right next to each other which made for a great flight 🙂 We stayed outside of Dallas in Rowlett with friends of Kims. They were awesome….told us that “this is your your house” and really did make us feel right at home. Such a neat couple….mexican and haitian and so so giving and serving. Kim put them to work well with wedding prep and taking care of details….and they never once complained. loved them! Fun first night as brie and I settled into our room and just had fun talking. In the morning we awoke to cold water in the shower….which was thankfully a humorous situation… and you know, i guess i can’t blog about every detail….so…. the wedding was great, in spanish too! And the cermony was so so nice, very special…. so so good to see my friend kim. I miss not being able to see here more often, and it was very special to see here 🙂 We some sightseeing afterwards, and on sunday too, and i flew out sunday night! Really i kinda felt like i was in Mexico! We were around mostly spanish speaking mexicans and they were all just so nice (and all teachers!) check out pics! Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Munoz! 🙂

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