Aging and Stealing

Yah, I’m 25 now. My grandpa is known as saying, “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.” We’ll see.

Normally I don’t make resolutions for the new year, and this year is no exception. However, I do have a resolution for the um, end of the month. I am a sucker for downloading music, movies, and software from illegit sources. I never thought of myself as a thief, but that’s what I’ve become. One reason is that it’s so EASY to get the stuff. Any person with moderate computer skills can download hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. For instance, in 3 minutes I could download any popular album. From my chair, without paying a cent.

There’s all kinds of excuses people make to justify this kind of activity. But in the end, I believe it to be outright stealing. No matter who you’re stealing from, or if they’re billionaires and won’t miss it, or if the artist/hollywood is corrupt, or if you didn’t make the copy. Stealing is stealing. So, why have I been doing it? I’ve just been sucked into it because it’s so easy to do and saves money that I might otherwise have spent. Not a good excuse, I know.

I believe that if I give up this habit, God will reward me. He may not give me all the software, music, and movies I could possibly want for free, but I will be rewarded in other ways that far exceed the value of stolen merchandise. So I’m going to make the effort. If you believe this is a worthy goal, please send free stuff to me at… no, please just help me stick to the plan 🙂 I’ve been blessed beyond what I can ever deserve so far in life. I don’t want to incur wrath by being a thief!

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