Website Revamp

I’ve been revamping the site for the last day or so, with Jill’s help. I think we’re both very happy with how it’s turning out. I’m actually starting to get comfortable with PHP to the point where I don’t have to look everything up all the time. I made a new contact page and eliminated the “etc” page. Also, I am starting to really love and utilize CSS to its full capacity, which allows me to have a unified look to every page.

Now I’m browser testing, and Internet Explorer (the red-headed bastard stepchild of browsers) is producing different results as usual. Of course, most internet users use it, because it comes with Microsoft products. So web developers are stuck trying to code for a browser that doesn’t follow the rules of code interpretation (because it hasn’t been updated in years). If you’re doing complicated layout, it can get frustrating because your site looks different in IE versus Firefox/Safari/Netscape. There’s not much to do about it either, until the world smartens up and stops buying Windows.

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