Family Visit

Dear Alice,
You are a lucky girl to have so many friends and family who love you! You have 9 cousins, lots of Auntie and Uncles, and even a Great-Grampa! This weekend we had family from Pennsylvania visit. They enjoyed watching you crawl around, seeing you giggle, and just lovin’ on you! Or, maybe they just came to check out your fluffy hair… you are still sporting a wild hairdo!

You enjoyed time with your Grampa Holt. You two were snuggle bunnies! You even took an hour nap right in his arms.
For a treat we were able to go swimming! The hotel pool was heated and you and I had a lovely time in it. 🙂
We celebrated your Dad’s 30th birthday when everyone was in town. You thought the singing was pretty exciting!
Here we all are together. Love that automatic timer! 🙂


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