8 Months

Dear Alice,

You are starting to do a lot of new things and are becoming quite the little girl. This week you’ve been talking an awful lot about “Bob”. Bob this, Bob that…. who is this guy? You have also learned to clap, wave, and play with a ball. These are new fun ways for your Mum and Dad to interact with you.

You love your bath times. When we are at Grammy’s house you use the bath seat and play with all her toys.
It is fun to have a bath with cousin Leif.
During Christmas vacation you played with your friend Olivia. You two were very cute together!
You were also a good friend to your buddy, AJ. Here you are telling him about the infamous Bob.
We have taken trips outdoors, but it sure is cold. You and Daddy like to look out the window and dream about spring.
You are loved very much. Here’s Grammy and Grampa. I just thought this was a nice picture of them and had to fit it in here somehow. 😉

I have also been taking a lot of videos. I’ll get those up here next!

Growin’ up fast!
Love, Mum

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