Divine Provision + Work + Generosity = Coffee

I was at a client’s house on Friday. He is rather wealthy with at least four computers in the house. He is a nice older guy and served me two cups of expresso while I was there. He educated me on some of the finer points of coffee, and then asked if I wanted his old coffee maker. I was rather indifferent (we don’t have room for ANY extra kitchen appliances) but shrugged and said, “Sure, why not?” So he gave me his big, heavy machine that he had replaced. He said he wasn’t even sure why he had replaced it, but that it worked fine.

I said thanks and went home. I looked up the model, and it sells new for $1,500! I couldn’t believe it – the best tip I have ever received! It makes coffee, expresso, lattes, and cappucinos.

It needed some cleaning and maintenance, but I spent an hour or two today fixing it up and descaling it with vinegar, and it’s running quite well now. I bought some coffee beans (something I had never done before) and asked a guy in the store for advice. The machine grinds the beans and makes creamy, delicious coffee. Not that I would know, I’m totally ignorant about what “good” coffee actually tastes like versus “bad” coffee. But I have a feeling I’m going to get used to the good kind.

I plan to use this thing for awhile, hopefully not get addicted to coffee, and then maybe sell it or pass it on to someone who loves coffee so much they would spend over $1k on a coffee machine!

PS Anyone is welcome to come over for a nice cup of really good coffee.

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