On Sleeping

I’m OK admitting it; we don’t sleep through the night. It seems to be one of the first things people ask when you give baby updates. At one point Alice was a baby who did well through the night, but the night wakings have only become more frequent. Two nights ago we must of been up 5 times and twice I had some sort of night vertigo where the room was spinning and I felt nauseous and car sick…. that’s when I decided the time was right to make some changes!

Babies and Mommas and sleep… it is all a very personal thing! Everyone seems to have advice about it, but I think each individual Mom will do what they feel works for them at a given time. For me, it was not until I was ready to make a change that I could handle hearing some extra crying.

So, praise God from whom all blessing flow! Last night Alice slept 6:45 – 7:45. I went in a picked her up once at 10:30, and sheesh, I was glad I didn’t let her cry it out that time because there were two circles of drooly blood 🙁 Guess it was a cutting tooth…but seemed deserving of comfort! Then she slept until 4:30 when she drank some milk and went back to sleep.

“Do not be anxious about ANYTHING but in EVERYTHING through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God which surpasses understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”.

Some might say there are big important things to pray about and small things to pray about. Some fairness to this, but God seems to care about the “anything” and “everything” of our lives. The other night I was lementing to him a bit over how he did’t put any direction int he bible about moms and babies and sleeping! But he is always faithful in listening and has way more ideas than me or any book. 🙂

We are both rested, thankful, and ready for the day!

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