Junk Mail

I’m sensitive to corporate influence in our lives. Every day, we look at thousands of advertisements without even noticing them. They’ve become so commonplace that they don’t register anymore. Everything we buy has a logo or company name on it. I’m not against recommending a good product to my friends. I just don’t like advertising for free.

Anyway… what a waste of paper junk mail is! Companies blanket the town with advertisements that we all just throw away – usually without reading. This is a shame. I think there should be laws about unsolicited bulk mailings, but the post office makes a lot of money from them and doesn’t want such laws passed. And so junk mail continues to intrude on our privacy.

My solution is to call each company I get junk mail from. I find their number, call and ask to talk to them about their mailing, and then firmly tell them I don’t want to get anything else from them, ever. It takes time to do this, but the result is that my mailbox is free of junk. It also costs the company more money to talk to me.

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