Oh, Alice

Dear Alice,

We have had some wacky weather this month. Some days have been sunny and you have been able to play outside, check out the playground and play with neighborhood kids. Some days have been snowy, and you love the snow. You love crunching in the snow banks. Here you are walking outside with your Mum and Dad. You love to go outdoors, you even pant like a dog when I put on the baby sling!

This was also a fun week of visiting. You strutted your stuff at Momma’s school where she used to work. Everyone was very impressed with your walking! You also got to visit your Great-Grampa. He is almost 93! You enjoyed playing at his house and visiting.

You do love your Grammy. You two are sweet together. 🙂

And I just love to play with you. We have fun, don’t we? 🙂

Love, Mum

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