Old School Games

I’ve been playing compouter games for awhile now, and I’ve had Angband for years (formerly called MacMoria). It’s a role-playing game that’s only a few years newer than Zork, a text adventure game released in 1979 (that is ancient in computer game history).

I don’t know what makes this game so fun, but I’m playing it right now instead of Warcraft, which has amazing graphics and community play:

A screenshot of World of Warcraft

A screenshot of Angband

Wow, games have come a long way in 15 years. In Angband, you are an “at” symbol (@) running around instead of a full 3D model. The thing is, the old game is just as fun as the new one! I guess it leaves more to the imagination?

Wikipedia has its own entry on Angband here. I met a guy in college who still plays this text-based game a lot!

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