
Someone recently asked me what I do in my leisure time. Hah, I thought that was funny. Do mothers have leisure time? Actually, now that my little miss has reached a year she is getting more independent. She can play with more focus and for longer stretches, she can play safely, and she goes to bed nicely around 7:15. This us usually the time of day that turns into leisure time for Mum.

One of our favorite things to do is read & crotchet. Meaning, Ben reads aloud and I crotched. Currently, we are reading the Turn of the Screw. We’re enjoying it! And, Ben is resigned to speaking as an English women for it. Meanwile, I crotchet. Back to plarn for me, and I am excited about my current (surprise) project. In closing, I do my shameless shout out for more bags. Are you going to see me soon? Bring plastic bags please!! 😀

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