14 Months

Dear Alice,
Lately, you have had many FIRSTS.

First words.
Dad. Up. Yummy. Out. Open. Apple. Mom. Hi.

First big accident.
Boo, yes, you fell down 2 cement stairs and landed on your nose. Black and blue nose for a few days, but the Dr. said it was going to be OK, and you were brave!

First pony tails.

First ride in a bike trailer. You did NOT like Mommy very much for putting you in there. But, you warmed up to it ever so slightly.

First ride on Mums bike in the baby bike seat. Wish I had a picture of your cuteness!

We also went to Maine. But it must be your 6th time! We took a 2 hour trip to Maine for the forth of July, and this last week we went up 4 hours to visit Auntie Jayne & Uncle Mark and your cousins. This was much harder because you didn’t sleep the whole time in the car. But, we managed to find entertainment and hardly had to stop. Way to go!

You enjoyed playing with cousin Leif, watching baby Kristoffer, getting to know the dog, and playing in the water.


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