Hobbits and Books

We just finished reading The Hobbit for the 2nd time. We read it the first time on our honeymoon 10 years ago! I was able to pay much better attention the second time through… Over the years we have read many books out lout, it has become a hobby of sorts and something we like to do together. I keep a list on goodreads.

I have discovered that I am one of those people who pay attention better when I am doing something with my hands. Mainly, I crochet when Ben reads. This time, I took to drawing. I am no artist when it comes to drawing, but have found it to be somewhat an outlet with creative juices. It’s rather ridiculous, but if you are a good fan of the book you might be able to follow. Also, keep in mind that I was listening, so you have to forgive my spelling errors!

Ben now thinks I should put ALL the pages in. It’s a bit embarrassing, but OK!

From Ben: Jill was also jotting down band names as we went, so if you encounter some weird phrases in her drawings that’s why. My favorite so far is “My Cousin Radagast”.

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