Nice Evening & Teaching & Booze

Tonight Jill and I went for a long bike ride on back roads and looked at yards and houses. We ended up at a small restaurant and had an ice cream treat. Then we biked to the liquor store and bought some beer and vodka since we live really close. I’ve been making Jill and I mixed drinks like Cape Codders and Pina Coladas. We also like sake when we go out for sushi. Neither of us has ever been drunk, but drinking has a fun, cultured appeal similar to what wine snobs must experience. And we really think certain drinks are yummy. My favorite drink is probably still 100% grape juice. Ironically, it can be more expensive than bulk wine!

Today was one of my student’s last days – he’s moving to Florida for college. A lot of students have come and gone over 7 years. I’ve taught a classroom full of people, one by one! This fall, I’ll have many more students due to the after-school program I was hired for – probably 10-15 more. All of them are in junior high. Unlike the poor teachers, I get small groups or single students to teach. I don’t envy people that have to deal with a group of 25 hormonal pre-teens. One on one they are great, which is why I love teaching lessons.

Oh, and before I forget. Yesterday was Jill’s birthday! We went out for sushi (with sake of course) and saw “Cars”, which Jill thought was great. I liked it moderately well too. Jill is, uh, 22. Yeah, 22.

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