
It was “Fifer’s Day” in Boxborough, which was a fair Jill and I and our neighbor Kelly went to (Jill and I biked).  Mostly we went to play volleyball, but everyone seemed to have a team already made and a tournament going, so we played with some junior high girls.  Mark Marlow, my friend from an old job, showed up too and played for a bit.  I love sports so I played for over 2 hours, and then we biked home.

In the morning before my lessons, Jill went to a yard sale and found a guitar pretty cheap.  I’ve been wanting an Ibanez-style guitar for a while, and so I went over and bought it and an amp for $60.  It’s a pretty cheap, no-name guitar, but with new strings and some modifications it plays nicely.  I played it in church today with no problems.

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