Slave Ships

I was just perusing some history on Wikipedia this evening. Sometimes you’re curious about one thing and then links jump out at you. Before you know it, you’ve gone from one subject to a completely different one. I think I started out interested about Bible history of some sort, then from there somehow ended up on Vikings, then somehow found this picture:

Wow. Talk about inefficient. I bet I could have fit at least two more slaves aboard that ship… actually maybe not. That boat must have been hell for the months it took to get here from Africa.

I found that on this site on a summary of illegal immigration in the US, quite interesting and very bloody.

One interesting incidence was in 1907:

President Theodore Roosevelt and the Government of Japan reached an agreement stopping issuance of passports to Japanese laborers but continuing issuing passports to laborers who had been in the U.S. previously and also to parents, wives, relatives of those already in the U.S. This essentially eliminated new Japanese laborers but thousands of wives (picture brides) came over. The purpose of this ‘Gentlemen’s Agreement’ was to stop Japanese immigration but it did not have the desired effect as thousands of ‘picture brides’ continued to arrive.

Thanks Japan, we’ll take your women but we’re all set on workers 😉

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