Programming Lots

Yep, I’ve been programming for almost 3 days straight – although I did take breaks to read to Jill and mountain bike with her this morning. And we did go out Sunday night with a bunch of friends. Other than that, lotsa code for Ben.

I’ve been working on my finance program. I fixed some bugs and added some graphs – thanks to a free utility called Ploticus. I also added two new reports – the YTD summary and a category detail report. Finally, I added spiffy headings with another free utility called Figlet. Here’s some screenshots of the program in action:

I’m wondering how professionals view shell scripting for projects like this. I know Perl would do this kind of thing very nicely, but I just don’t know it well enough – or C for that matter. The only complaint I have about it now is the speed – the reports take around 5-10 seconds to generate. I’m not sure why, but I use stuff like cat, grep, and awk extensively.
Anyway, if anyone wants to download and critique my program, shoot me an email.

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