
Jill and I were camping in North Conway, NH all this week with the Harbor of Hope youth group. It was about 15 people total, and it was lots of fun. We made some great connections with some of the kids, and did a lot together, such as whiffle ball, camping stuff (roasting marshmallows, talks by Greg, setting up tents), volleyball, hiking, shopping in Conway, etc. We went out to eat on the way home, and that was fun as well. We also went tubing on the river that runs by Saco camp ground. It’s crystal clear and shallow enough to walk in most of the way down. I brought the guitar and played a few tunes each evening. On Friday we hiked Mt. Washington all the way up to Tuckerman’s Ravine. It was a very hard hike, at least on the way up. I had to stop every 100 feet or so because my legs burned.

The pics we took are up, hopefully we’ll be adding more as we collect everyone elses’!

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