Wyldlife Camp at Lake Champion

This past week Jill and I were trip leaders to Lake Champion, a Young Life camp in New York.  I know you’re thinking tents, cabins, campfires, and all that – like our last trip to the White Mts.  But YL camps are multi-million dollar resorts.  About 50 people work there each month for free, just to be there and serving God.  There’s two in NY, one in CO, one in VI, and probably some others.  The “cabins” are really like a hotel, there’s a rock climbing wall, pool with hottub, a lake with all kinds of boats, mountain bikes, a zip line, fields and courts for all kinds of sports, a game room with pool/foosball/ping pong/snack bar, a club room for over 500 people, etc.  The food is awesome too!  If you’ve never been to one, they allow a few adult guests to come and see this awesome place per week.

Jill and I didn’t participate in Wyldlife (Young Life for junior high kids) this year, but the normal leaders were indisposed, so they asked us.  We had gone as leaders before, but never led the entire trip.  It was hard, but rewarding.  Five girls and one guy came.  I was scared about what kind of guy it would be, since I’d be spending a four-hour car ride with him, plus “cabin time” and much of the week.  He turned out to be really cool – we had a lot in common, such as our love of video games.

Pix of the trip are up!  It’s a long album, I’d recommend the slideshow feature.

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