Ikea Couch

Ever since I first looked at an Ikea catalog in college i have been in love. I look through them multiple times marking things and dreaming. But, small place, frugal people….we have just never had the occasion to buy anything. Until now. While we were away Ubu’s pee and our couch became one… it was not a pretty thing. But, it turned into a pretty thing in the end b/c it meant that we had to get a new couch! So, Kristen R. & Jayne and I headed out yesterday (yes, i payed tax…) and had an adventure to Ikea! It was great 🙂 Everything was beautiful. I had to kinda shut my eyes to everything else b/c the couch was our 1 big item. But, we got it, did the self check out and headed out!

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