
The last Friday of every month, we have a potluck and cram a bunch of people into our flat. It’s mostly people from church, but we’re open. Last night was one of them. Everyone brought something yummy – there was sushi, peach pie, wine, quesadeas, pizza, fudge, rolls, chocolate from Mexico, and more. I played bartender – I made a bunch of Mojitos (a cuban drink with rum, fresh mint, lime, and club soda) and Malibu Milkshakes. Everyone seemed to like my drinks, and I was happy.

One of the couples was Nathan and Priscilla. The latter is Brazillian, and until recently she lived in Canada because she could not get her green card (even though they are married). She is a chef, and brough a really nice dish. It was kind of like salmon and creamy white stuff rolled in tortilla and beautifully arranged. We were told she also hosts her own sushi parties.

We also had a ton of musicians in the room. Three guitarists (all quite good), a professional bassist, a Brazillian singer, and a drummer. So it wasn’t long before we broke into song. Due to a joke about me starting my own podcast, I was recording the whole thing. Here’s a bit of our singing! Sung in Portugese and English, of course!

I think we’ll have some pictures up soon, too. Let us know if you want to come to the next one!

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