The Great Bed Transition

After learning to get out of her crib we decided it was time for Alice to make the move to the toddler bed! We waited a few nights before doing this, and this turned out to work well for us. This way she had some training to stay in her old bed and lost the thrill of “[knock, knock] out. bed”.

Cousin Katelynn let Alice borrow her toddler bed. Reportedly, this was difficult for Kate to let go of. I was suspicious when Katelynn asked me what a toddler was, and the day after she brought it over asked if Alice was done borrowing her bed. Change IS hard!

Now, after 2 nights in the “big girl bed”, things are going alright. Alice has learned that Momma doesn’t pick her up anymore but can rub her back in bed. She still has her 3 pacifiers. And she still wakes up EARLY. Night 2 was better than the night before, and so we go on like this, hoping that each night gets a little bit easier. I am confident it will. 🙂

love Isaiah 40:11: “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young”. Indeed, God gently guides parents with young kids. I am thankful!

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