
Oh, before I start rambling about Perl, we went to Dan & Kim’s house last night for a viewing of X-Men 3. Dan works with expensive sound equipment, and brought home $30,000 worth of it for the occasion. Yes, it sounded great! Not that I can really appreciate the difference, it’s way over my head. I was fun playing old-school NES Ice Hockey with it. Using professional quality sound equipment (5 speakers + a huge bass amp) for 8-bit sound is just… awesome.

We also had a great wine-tasting party this past week, but I’ll let Jill tell you about that one. I think we have some pictures to get uploaded too from that and the movie party.

So this finance project I’ve been rambling about and working obsessively on – it’s done! It’s a web-friendly personal finance program designed for ease of use and great processing of data. If you want to try it out, email me for the link! Right now it’s “invitationware”.

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