Pinterest: Done

I, like many, have a love for Pinterest. Most of my pins are filled with things that I would like to one day do…. so I decided I would post some of the ones I HAVE DONE and can add my feedback. 🙂

Bathtime Ice Cubes! From Mommysavers blog.

“Fill your ice cube trays with water, adding a drop of food coloring to each section. When frozen, these can be popped out and put in baby’s bath water. He’ll have fund “chasing” them around in the tub and trying to grab them before they melt.”

They were fun and easy! But, I found that one drop of color was a bit much for each cube, next time I will premix colored water and pour into many cubes. They weren’t hard to catch for Alice, but they were fun to lick! There was enough colored residue in my cube trays that I just filled them up with more water and they colored themselves instantly. Definitely fun for the bath. 🙂

Oatmeal Cupcakes from Green Lite Bites.

3 mashed bananas (I used brown spotty ones and they were fine)
1 cup vanilla Almond milk (I used regular whole milk)
2 eggs
1 tbsp Baking powder
3 cups (240g) Old Fashion or Rolled Oats (instant worked fine)
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp (42g) mini chocolate chips

375 degrees for 20-30 minutes

These were great! Perfect way to get oats and milk and fruit into my little one for breakfast! I liked it cause I used up my 2 old bananas with a quick mush and didn’t have wait to turn them into banana bread. Frozen, and now I can take out one or 2 for a nutritious bite for the babe.

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