Mornings with God

I have been wanting to settle into a routine for our mornings. I believe that even when children are young they can get into a routine that is established. I wanted to find time to read our bibles and chat with God …. I just had to make it happen!

Our new routine is to wake up, dress and play in our room, watch a smidge of sesame st while Mamma checks email etc, eat breakfast, and THEN go to to room and read our bibles. Sometimes Alice does this only briefly, but if she can quietly play while Mamma reads, then it works! Right now I am reading Daily Light, which is great because it is just plain and simple scripture, kinda mixed together around a certain theme. So, I read it, pick a verse or a few, and then we color and write it out. Alice then delivers it to Dad’s desk for presentation. 🙂

I am trying to use up a note pad which Alice has scribbled, painted, or doodled in…and I just write my verse around what’s already there…. So, this is a sort of artistic fun for me! And, posting them provides me some accountability to stick to it! They may be messy, and often difficult to read. Hah! (if you can’t read it you’ll just have to go look it up yourself!)



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