The War on Democracy

Jill and I watched this together today on our date. It’s a documentary chronicling the US intervention in Latin America over the past sixty years or so.

Our empire-building actions are characterized by funding the rebellion of democratic governments. We use the media to create a sense of panic and unrest in the general population. Then, after the coup, we install a dictator or leaders who are sympathetic to our way of thinking. These leaders have been the cause of torture, murder, and oppression in various countries.

Finally, we tell our own people that these actions were done in the name of “protecting our own interests abroad” or “democracy” or other lofty phrases. In reality we’re out to build an empire, with all countries subservient to us.

I’m sort of susceptible to new ideas like this and don’t really know a lot about this sort of thing. I’d be open to other opinions if this guy is way off base!

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