Play Days

Seems like our days are becoming more creative. Alice is able to do more activities, and new ideas help Momma be able to embrace each day! Here is Alice in her “nest” that she and Daddy made. And, Alice had the clever idea of tin-can feet…. to each his own!

We especially enjoyed playing BLUES CLUES, a great idea we got from Auntie Jayne and Grammy Hansen.
All we needed was:

* a little notebook
* crayon
* cut out paw prints

We’ve enjoyed many rounds of hiding clues…finding them…singing the jingles…and sitting in our thinking chair. 🙂

This week Panda and Big Dog were escorted into the kitchen and served up some….spoons! Kept little miss busy for a while. Alice has enjoyed “cooking” with Momma. We now keep a container of dried beans in the cabinet just for Alice. She measures them and transfers them into containers. As we cut up potatoes we were reminded about God’s presence. 🙂

say cheese!

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