
Jill and I got some nerf guns for Christmas from my dad. A little history: My siblings and I would spend hours in the basement of our old house playing nerf. Our games were structured – point-based with strict rules on ammo collection, parts of the body that could be used to block, etc. We also never lost a dart or arrow – we’d spend hours searching for lost ammo.

We had three different kinds of weaponry. One was a huge air-powered gun aptly called the “Ultimator”. Then we had a small fast-firing six-shooter. Finally, we had “throwing arrows” on our belt for those times when we were out of ammo in our guns.

Like paintball or lazer tag, you get surprisingly “into” nerf fights. You find yourself being very commando, especially when your games are point-based. Jill and I have been having tons of fun around the house building impromptu forts, and we even took it outside the other day and had some open-air battles. The neighbors were very astonished at our Matrix-esque reflexes and uncanny dodging in the face of fast-flying darts.

Of course, we still have every dart that our guns shipped with. However, two days ago one was lost. We spent hours over the past two days looking for it. We felt like we were in Jesus’ parable about the lost coin (the woman looks and looks, then celebrates when it’s found). We carefully reconstructed our battle in which the dart was lost. We checked behind every corner, in the trash, in shoes, etc. Finally, after hours of this, today we found the missing dart. It was INSIDE the stove.

So we had a great fight today in celebration. We also ordered two more guns to fuel our addiction: See them here.

Now we’re off to my brother in law’s house for some card playing! I’ll blog about Dan’s wedding soon!

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