It’s rather nippy out:

That’s my little weather widget earlier this evening. A few of my car doors wouldn’t open, but at least it started. For those of you that live in the south, that’s a 19, and yes it’s Fahrenheit.

When we lived in Bolton with the Dickersons, the studio apartment we rented had no insulation on the bottom – it was open air. Since we had no bed, our mattress was on the floor. The door had a crack so big you could see the air through it! We used a scarf to close in the door every time we closed it. Just for fun, I dug back through pictures from then – here’s a picture and a movie of ubu eating broccoli (you can see the scarf in the background).

Ubu + Broccoli

Old House

I’m thankful that we own this condo that’s sandwiched on three sides by other condos. It has a few drafts but we’re getting replacement windows put in by Steve whenever he gets around to it (ahem).

Tonight I didn’t have band practice so we just talked for awhile, ate soup, played some nerf, and Jill watched some American Idol while I played computer games. Evenings with nothing planned are great, in my opinion.

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