Guestbook is UP

I worked all day today customizing a guestbook script I found by an Italian guy. All the variables are in Italian, kind of funny 🙂 The main reason I had taken the guestbook down in 2005 was spam – bots/spiders were finding my little “submit” button and adding it to their list of spammable sites. But it was a very enjoyable part of our site years ago. This is why I put it back up – this time with some spam protection!

Just like comments on our blog, I’ve added a small layer of protection so that bots don’t get to indiscriminately publish stuff. Also, I painstakingly reconstructed the original posts from 2003-2005. Some of them seem quite old!

Well, if you don’t want to comment on the blog, get on over to the guestbook and sign it! OR, do both!

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