Nate’s Puter

My friend Nate’s computer is dead 🙁 He left it here for me to fix and recover his data, but to no avail. I spent hours trying every trick I know, but it just won’t boot and fsck (a UNIX utility) won’t repair it. At one point I even discovered that it would start up in single user mode ONLY if I stood the hard disk on it’s side:


It’s sad when your whole life is on a hard drive and it crashes – a geek’s worst nightmare. Nate isn’t really a geek, but nevertheless had a lot of stuff on there. My last-ditch effort to save his data is taking out his laptop’s hard drive, putting it in an external firewire enclosure provided by my friend Dave, and see if we can mount it and rescue data before the rest of the computer is shipped off to the medical ward.

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