Chocolate Yumminess

I’ve really enjoyed Jillee’s One Good Thing blog. She’s got great natural tips for the home and yummy ones, too! Today we (that is me, and my small kitchen helper) tried a recipe for homemade chocolate syrup, and it was a definite hit! We enjoyed some delicious homemade chocolate milk.


1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (I use Ghirardelli)
1 cup water
dash of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a small saucepan, add sugar, cocoa, and salt. Whisk together gently. Add water. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat and cook 1 minute. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Cool. Store in the refrigerator.

For delicious chocolate milk, add 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup to 8 oz. of milk. Heat for hot chocolate.
For milk shakes, combine 1 cup cold milk, 1/4 cup chocolate syrup and 2 cups (1 pint) of vanilla ice cream to a blender. Blend.
This syrup would also make a delicious dessert garnish or ice cream topping.
Recipe source- Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook, 1968.

We also plotted our next flavor of….


chocolate cake
1 tsp mint extract
milk chocolate frosting.

We cooked it and are just waiting to crumble it up and mix away! Can’t wait to try this one. 🙂

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