Yay Hotness

I love spring because it leads to summer.

I’ve been anxiously awaiting spring, and since I’m such a geek I wrote a dynamically updating graph that takes a temperature sample every 15 minutes for the past month. Here’s today’s:

As you can see we were taunted back in March with some lovely days and then had to suffer the cold some more until recently.

Today was great, it’s 88 out. I just took my second great bike ride in two days. I swear the first rides of the season are 90% uphill. Especially in Harvard, MA.

Today I met Jill and Alice on a playground. It was fun. Alice is quite a monkey. She can climb things that kids of three and four can’t. She’s not scared of heights and just wants to climb and jump and slide and run. She can climb trees pretty well too.

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