Coding Like Crazy

When I haven’t been teaching this week, I’ve been coding for huge blocks of time. My friend Tim (of Christian Fiction Review, which I designed) referred me to
a guy who is creating an organization that serves boys from ages 7-17. It’s called “Man of the House”, or MOTH. The site will be designed to give young adults pointers on growing up and “how to be a man” kind of articles.

So it’s a good cause… it’s also a paid gig. At first this was kind of intimidating, since this is my first huge site for pay (although I’ve done smaller sites for pay). As I’ve gone along, my “boss” has given encouraging feedback, and I’ve realized that I do have the skills needed to create a fun, interactive site. I also must create forms so that the people writing articles and updating the site need not touch a line of code.

In fact I can pretty much do anything website related, but I’m not fast – much of my time is spent going through code from other sites I’ve written to copy&paste it. I hand code all my HTML, CSS, and PHP. Editing images in Photoshop takes me a long time since I’m not a pro at it. The more sites I do, the more I have to draw on for my next site, but since I don’t code all the time it will probably always take me a long time to do it.

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