Forth Grade Poem

We’ve been doing some in depth cleaning and purging in the Holt household. Came across this poem that beckoned my attention

Two People I admire
By Jill Merrill

(written in some sweet cursive)

Two people that I admire and hope to be like
are my sisters, Julie and Jenny.
Being twins it would be so fun,
and the tricks you could play are many.

They are very nice, loving and kind
and I really wish I had their brains.
They are geniuses, especially in math
although sometimes they are pains.

The age they are is 21,
and their birthday is in October.
Since they are graduating at the end of this year
most of my fun is over.

Though we’ve had our rough times, they really can be funny
They really like to joke around; especially Jenny.

As I said before, they can be a tease
Although they are very nice; truly.
The people that I will always admire
are my sisters Jenny and Julie

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