
I’ve been busy the last few evenings with practice for the upcoming Showcase 2007 event in Fitchburg with the country band. We’re sounding pretty good, and tonight was at the actual place for a sound check etc. Chad (the leader of our outfit and lead singer) had a photo shoot, the bands set up their merchandise tables, bands were interviewed on camera, and Jill and I talked to lots of people, many of whom were in other bands from out of state. Yes, Jill came so I had someone to hang out with, and I was glad.

Apparently this event is geared toward showcasing these bands/artists for possible gigs in the future. It’s not really a “concert” event so much as a “band promotion” event. All the bands actually paid to play. All the proceeds are going to benefit Young Life, which is awesome.

Tomorrow night is when we play live. I’m not actually that nervous, I guess my 5+ years of band service has served me well.

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