Indoor Play & Foolery

Just some of the things we’ve been up to….

“Cooking” is always so much more fun when you wear an apron, add food coloring, and stir! Here is Alice with her delicious blue ice water seasoned with parsley. Mmmmmmm.

And, Playing with Dad’s cables, yowza! She will sit and play with these for quite a while.

Rainy mornings foster creativity… and oddness… We enjoyed discovering new things you can do with the orange-mesh-baggy things. They make great head coverings! Naturally, pots and colanders do too!

Lastly, we did do some experimenting this week with the ‘ole olfactory system. We collected smelly things from the garden, put them between wax paper, rolled over them with the rolling pin, and salvaged the pieces into containers along with a bit of water. After sitting a day we’ll give ’em a wif! Excitement to the max, it’s true. 😀

What creative things have YOU been up to?

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