Meeting + MST3k

I had another meeting at church yesterday. Jill was there this time. She says she could understand how the first meeting would have been hard. This one was calmer but still hard for both parties to be calm and collected. In short, I will be playing 50% of the time (mutually agreed to) and I’m supposed to work on certain inter-personal stuff, i.e. accepting authority when it’s present. They agreed to help me along the way using methods I can understand and being clear about their expectations. The whole thing is very depressing – when you are confronted with your problems.

Last night Tony and Shannon came over and we had dinner and watched MST3k: The Movie. Fun times. I made mojitos and spiked sparkling grapefruit juice.

Finally, I had this really cool idea for putting LED “tube” style lights on the front of my amplifier that would light up the front when you turned it on. Tony agreed that it would look great, but the prices for just 6 feet or so of LED lighting is like $40. Kind of expensive for vanity lights, but maybe if I’m persistent I’ll be allowed to buy them 🙂

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